Back in 1999 I managed to score a high quality CD copy of this mix. It was a favourite in my car for years until I lost it.
I have kept my eyes open for it ever since, hoping it would turn up somewhere. It never did.
Then, as I was going through stacks of old cassette tapes a few weeks ago, I popped this one in and the familiar mix started playing. “No way,” I thought. “I can’t believe I taped that CD!”
Turns out I didn’t actually tape the CD – this is recorded directly off the radio!
I left the opening monologue on there for an extra blast of nostalgia. The host – “Rocksteady J” – runs through some event listings, including for Cafe Zanzy’s, The Horseshoe, and Horizon!
Was Cafe Zany’s that space on Portage across from U of W?